We are a volunteer organization!
You can enjoy the opportunity to meet and work with other opera fans and help sustain the programs you like.
For more information about these activities, or to speak with us about any volunteer interest, write to
info@operaguildofrochester.org and the appropriate person will contact you. Or, complete the Volunteer Interest form found below.
Event host
These volunteers assist in setting out and clearing up refreshments Sunday afternoons for Beat the Blahs in January and at the Donor Recital in May -a great opportunity to support two of our most popular events.
Publicity Committee Volunteer
People are needed to distribute publicity materials in the fall and other times at venues around town.
event assistant
This gives you the opportunity to participate in Guild events such as lectures and video presentations by running the equipment.

Student Outreach Volunteer:
This person would work with the President to develop additional programs with vocal music students and other students to support music education and help recruit future opera patrons.
publisher's assistant
This volunteer who has basic computer skills will work with our publisher to develop new features and formats for our Viva Voce online magazine.
If you want to develop or expand your knowledge of opera and have
writing and public speaking skills, you will find this work very satisfying.
Bright Idea Volunteer
We are always in need of people with enthusiasm and creativity in their pursuit of all things operatic!
Do you have a skill you think would be valuable to Opera Guild of Rochester and would like to share? Let us know!